
Monthly Development Plan - February 2023

By Daniele Molinari
Published in Insights
February 01, 2023
2 min read
Monthly Development Plan - February 2023

Don’t let anything stop you. There will be times when you’ll be disappointed, but you can’t stop. Make yourself the best that you can make out of what you are. The very best.

January 2023 was the month of our first mobile app. It turned out to be quite complex, both to develop and to get approved by the stores: App Store and Google Play are giving us a hard time.

That being said, the fact that we got to the store review phase is already a great achievement on its own.

That’s the motto: keep trying and never surrender!

At a glance


A quick summary of the plan, as of January 2023.

Argan Mobile08/02/2023The React Native version of Argan (CodeCanyon).
Mulberry25/02/2023New release: direct messaging script (CodeCanyon).
Blueberry06/03/2023New release: chat rooms script (CodeCanyon).
TBA17/03/2023Mobile booking app for barber shops and hairdressers (App Store and Google Play).
Clover31/03/2023To be reworked as v5 (CodeCanyon).
Laurel09/04/2023Directory listing mobile React Native app (CodeCanyon).


Achievements from January 2023.

Argan Mobile31/01/2023Sent for review to Google Play and App Store.
Clover19/01/2023Maintenance update.
Argan19/01/2023Maintenance update.
Elderberry19/01/2023Maintenance update.


January’s plan was to publish Argan Mobile (meetings platform). However, publishing to the stores turned out to be more complex than the forecast. We made it to the “in review” phase and we are now waiting for feedback

The plan for February and March has been revised accordingly. Mulberry (direct messaging script) has been pushed by some days. Clover v5 has been pushed to March 31st, 2023.


Clover v2 is our latest production-ready version with meetings. It is expected to stay so until the end of winter.

Clover v4 is production-ready from a messaging standpoint, but its meetings system doesn’t work quite as well. To replace such meeting system requires a very deep restructuring, which will break backwards compatibility.

The current forecast is that Clover v5 will take a whole season to be developed. Its release is not to be expected until March 2023.


Elderberry is a basic mediasoup meeting script with audio and video via getUserMedia. In other words, it’s a single meeting room that you can join with camera or microphone, or camera and microphone.

It has been released on December 29th, and it’s available for purchase here.


Elderberry is meetings platform.

It has been released on December 20th, and it’s available for purchase here.

Argan Mobile is planned for release in early January.


Blueberry is a simple, socket.io-based, chat rooms script. It will support password-protected rooms. Its release is planned for February.

It will be released at the end of the month, on CodeCanyon, at a price of $39 (standard license) and $99 (extended license).


Mulberry is a simple, socket.io-based, direct messaging script. Its release is planned for February.

It will be released at the end of the month, on CodeCanyon, at a price of $39 (standard license) and $99 (extended license).


Laurel is a directory listing React Native mobile app.

This will be the first mobile app to be released by Honeyside on CodeCanyon.

As a generic rule, we will not provide item support for mobile apps. This is because we can’t provide support for App Store and Google Play publishing to all customers.

It will be released in January 2023, on CodeCanyon, at a price of $39 (standard license) and $99 (extended license).

TBA Booking App

There will be a planned release of a mobile booking app for barber shops and hairdressers on January 22nd, 2023.

This app will be published on App Store and Google Play, the first Honeyside app meant for end users and not for developers.

This app will never be published to Envato and its source code will never be for sale, but you can be a user too!

We will announce the name of the app later in January.


If you have any suggestions, please email us at dev@honeyside.it

Please keep in mind that we will not necessarily develop your suggestion, as we will evaluate both feasibility and ROI before pushing something into our backlog.


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Daniele Molinari

Daniele Molinari

Lead Software Engineer

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TBA Booking App

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